The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Appoints 2015/2016 New Office Bearers
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) announces today (Thursday, 30 April 2015) the appointment of its Governing Committee for the term 2015/2016:
Chairman Mr Mike S C Lee MassMutual Asia Limited
Deputy Chairman Mr Ronnie W F Ng China Overseas Insurance Limited
Members Mr David Alexander Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd
Mr P L Chan China Taiping Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Ms Agnes H K Choi AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Mr Stuart Fraser Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Limited
Mr Jimmy W F Poon Dah Sing Insurance Company (1976) Limited
Mr Andy Robinson Zurich International Life Limited
Mr Lennard Yong MetLife Limited
Mr Allan K N Yu Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Mr Mike Lee has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry. Mr Ronnie Ng has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Under the Governing Committee of the HKFI, there are two Councils responsible for dealing with all technical matters concerning general insurance and life insurance respectively. The General Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Allan Yu while the Life Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Andy Robinson.
Established in August 1988, the HKFI enjoys full recognition by the Hong Kong SAR Government as the representative insurer body of the industry and is responsible for the administration of close to 75,000 registered insurance agents in the territory. It exists to promote insurance to the people of Hong Kong and build consumer confidence in the industry by promoting high standards of ethics and professionalism amongst its Members.

Mr Mike S C Lee
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) Chairman 2015/20165Mr Mike Lee is the Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of the HKFI’s Life Insurance Council (LIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was HKFI’s Deputy Chairman and a member of the HKFI Governing Committee. He served on HKFI’s various Task Forces, including the Independence of the Insurance Authority, Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database, Young Insurance Executive Development Programme and LIC's Renminbi Life Insurance Products and Sales Remuneration.
He has wide experience serving the insurance industry. He is a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. Mr Lee was also a member of Products Advisory Committee of Securities and Futures Commission, the Insurance Agents Registration Board and the Insurance Claims Complaints Panel.
Mr Lee is currently the Senior Vice President - Operations of MassMutual Asia Limited and has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry.
Mr Lee graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and subsequently received a Graduate Diploma in Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He also holds the Fellow of the Life Management Institute (FLMI) qualification.

Mr Ronnie W F Ng
HKFI Deputy Chairman 2015/2016Mr Ronnie Ng is the Deputy Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of HKFI’s General Insurance Council (GIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of the GIC and a member of the HKFI’s Governing Committee. He was a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework and the Independence of the Insurance Authority. He also served as Chairman of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation Terrorism, a member of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation and a Delegate of the Accident Insurance Association under GIC.
Mr Ng is currently the Chairman of the Board and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Employees' Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau (ECIRSB). He was the Deputy Chairman of ECIRSB for the term 2011/2012. He is also an Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau, a Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau, a Director of the Chinese Insurance Association of Hong Kong, a member of the OSH Star Enterprises-RMAA Safety Accreditation Scheme Steering Committee and a member of the Appointment Advisory Board of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
As the founder, Mr Ng has been the Chief Executive of China Overseas Insurance Limited since 2002, who is responsible for the overall management and development of the company. He has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Mr Ng holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and a Master Degree of Business Administration (General Management) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada (FIIC) and a Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF Snr Assoc). He also holds the Canadian Risk Management (CRM) and Fellow Risk Management (FRM) designations awarded by the Canadian Risk and Insurance Management Society (CRIMS).

Mr Allan K N Yu
General Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Allan Yu is the Chairman of the General Insurance Council (GIC) and a member the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of various Task Forces, including Independence of the Insurance Authority, Policyholders’ Protection Fund and Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and the GIC’s Task Force on Captive Insurance. He was also a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework, Greater China Affairs and Review of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. He was the HKFI Chairman for the term of 2010/2011.
Mr Yu has also actively participated in a number of industry bodies and other insurance associations. He is currently the Chairman of the Financial Services Resources Centre Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan). Mr Yu also serves as Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau and the Motor Insurers' Bureau of Hong Kong, as well as a member of the Bureau Board of the of Employees’ Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau and the Insurance Training Board under Vocational Training Council whilst serving as a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. He is also the Chairman of Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committee of the Education Bureau Qualifications Framework and a Committee Member of the New Business Committee of the Financial Services Development Council. Mr Yu was also the Chairman of Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Hong Kong for the term of 2004/2006 and Employees Compensation Insurer Solvency Bureau for the term of 2007/2009.
Mr Allan Yu is the Senior Consultant of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. He has over 40 years of experience in general insurance with exceptional management strength and expertise in underwriting, pricing, reinsurance, claim reserving models and product development.
Mr Yu qualifies as an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK. He earned a Diploma in the Young Manager Programme at INSEAD (The European Institute of Business Administration) in France.

Mr Andy Robinson
Life Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Andy Robinson is the Chairman of the Life Insurance Council (LIC) and a member of the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he served as Chairman of the ILAS Products Working Group and Deputy Chairman of the Professional Standards Working Group under the LIC. He was also a member of the HKFI’s Insurers-Brokers Liaison Committee, Task Force on Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and LIC’s Task Force on Sales Remuneration.
Mr Robinson has supported the Christina Noble Children’s foundation for many years, being a board member and supporting various event and activities for fund raising purposes.
Mr Robinson, the Chief Propositions Officer of Zurich Life Insurance (Hong Kong), is responsible for the proposition development and marketing activities. He relocated back to Hong Kong from Singapore in 2008 following his successful tenure as Principal Officer of the Zurich Insurance Life Singapore Branch. The branch was granted its license in November 2005; the first such license to be granted in 14 years, and the first in Singapore for an Isle of Man based insurer.
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Appoints 2015/2016 New Office Bearers
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) announces today (Thursday, 30 April 2015) the appointment of its Governing Committee for the term 2015/2016:
Chairman Mr Mike S C Lee MassMutual Asia Limited
Deputy Chairman Mr Ronnie W F Ng China Overseas Insurance Limited
Members Mr David Alexander Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd
Mr P L Chan China Taiping Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Ms Agnes H K Choi AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Mr Stuart Fraser Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Limited
Mr Jimmy W F Poon Dah Sing Insurance Company (1976) Limited
Mr Andy Robinson Zurich International Life Limited
Mr Lennard Yong MetLife Limited
Mr Allan K N Yu Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Mr Mike Lee has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry. Mr Ronnie Ng has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Under the Governing Committee of the HKFI, there are two Councils responsible for dealing with all technical matters concerning general insurance and life insurance respectively. The General Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Allan Yu while the Life Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Andy Robinson.
Established in August 1988, the HKFI enjoys full recognition by the Hong Kong SAR Government as the representative insurer body of the industry and is responsible for the administration of close to 75,000 registered insurance agents in the territory. It exists to promote insurance to the people of Hong Kong and build consumer confidence in the industry by promoting high standards of ethics and professionalism amongst its Members.

Mr Mike S C Lee
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) Chairman 2015/20165Mr Mike Lee is the Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of the HKFI’s Life Insurance Council (LIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was HKFI’s Deputy Chairman and a member of the HKFI Governing Committee. He served on HKFI’s various Task Forces, including the Independence of the Insurance Authority, Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database, Young Insurance Executive Development Programme and LIC's Renminbi Life Insurance Products and Sales Remuneration.
He has wide experience serving the insurance industry. He is a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. Mr Lee was also a member of Products Advisory Committee of Securities and Futures Commission, the Insurance Agents Registration Board and the Insurance Claims Complaints Panel.
Mr Lee is currently the Senior Vice President - Operations of MassMutual Asia Limited and has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry.
Mr Lee graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and subsequently received a Graduate Diploma in Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He also holds the Fellow of the Life Management Institute (FLMI) qualification.

Mr Ronnie W F Ng
HKFI Deputy Chairman 2015/2016Mr Ronnie Ng is the Deputy Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of HKFI’s General Insurance Council (GIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of the GIC and a member of the HKFI’s Governing Committee. He was a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework and the Independence of the Insurance Authority. He also served as Chairman of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation Terrorism, a member of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation and a Delegate of the Accident Insurance Association under GIC.
Mr Ng is currently the Chairman of the Board and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Employees' Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau (ECIRSB). He was the Deputy Chairman of ECIRSB for the term 2011/2012. He is also an Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau, a Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau, a Director of the Chinese Insurance Association of Hong Kong, a member of the OSH Star Enterprises-RMAA Safety Accreditation Scheme Steering Committee and a member of the Appointment Advisory Board of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
As the founder, Mr Ng has been the Chief Executive of China Overseas Insurance Limited since 2002, who is responsible for the overall management and development of the company. He has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Mr Ng holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and a Master Degree of Business Administration (General Management) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada (FIIC) and a Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF Snr Assoc). He also holds the Canadian Risk Management (CRM) and Fellow Risk Management (FRM) designations awarded by the Canadian Risk and Insurance Management Society (CRIMS).

Mr Allan K N Yu
General Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Allan Yu is the Chairman of the General Insurance Council (GIC) and a member the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of various Task Forces, including Independence of the Insurance Authority, Policyholders’ Protection Fund and Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and the GIC’s Task Force on Captive Insurance. He was also a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework, Greater China Affairs and Review of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. He was the HKFI Chairman for the term of 2010/2011.
Mr Yu has also actively participated in a number of industry bodies and other insurance associations. He is currently the Chairman of the Financial Services Resources Centre Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan). Mr Yu also serves as Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau and the Motor Insurers' Bureau of Hong Kong, as well as a member of the Bureau Board of the of Employees’ Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau and the Insurance Training Board under Vocational Training Council whilst serving as a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. He is also the Chairman of Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committee of the Education Bureau Qualifications Framework and a Committee Member of the New Business Committee of the Financial Services Development Council. Mr Yu was also the Chairman of Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Hong Kong for the term of 2004/2006 and Employees Compensation Insurer Solvency Bureau for the term of 2007/2009.
Mr Allan Yu is the Senior Consultant of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. He has over 40 years of experience in general insurance with exceptional management strength and expertise in underwriting, pricing, reinsurance, claim reserving models and product development.
Mr Yu qualifies as an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK. He earned a Diploma in the Young Manager Programme at INSEAD (The European Institute of Business Administration) in France.

Mr Andy Robinson
Life Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Andy Robinson is the Chairman of the Life Insurance Council (LIC) and a member of the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he served as Chairman of the ILAS Products Working Group and Deputy Chairman of the Professional Standards Working Group under the LIC. He was also a member of the HKFI’s Insurers-Brokers Liaison Committee, Task Force on Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and LIC’s Task Force on Sales Remuneration.
Mr Robinson has supported the Christina Noble Children’s foundation for many years, being a board member and supporting various event and activities for fund raising purposes.
Mr Robinson, the Chief Propositions Officer of Zurich Life Insurance (Hong Kong), is responsible for the proposition development and marketing activities. He relocated back to Hong Kong from Singapore in 2008 following his successful tenure as Principal Officer of the Zurich Insurance Life Singapore Branch. The branch was granted its license in November 2005; the first such license to be granted in 14 years, and the first in Singapore for an Isle of Man based insurer.
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Appoints 2015/2016 New Office Bearers
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) announces today (Thursday, 30 April 2015) the appointment of its Governing Committee for the term 2015/2016:
Chairman Mr Mike S C Lee MassMutual Asia Limited
Deputy Chairman Mr Ronnie W F Ng China Overseas Insurance Limited
Members Mr David Alexander Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd
Mr P L Chan China Taiping Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Ms Agnes H K Choi AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Mr Stuart Fraser Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Limited
Mr Jimmy W F Poon Dah Sing Insurance Company (1976) Limited
Mr Andy Robinson Zurich International Life Limited
Mr Lennard Yong MetLife Limited
Mr Allan K N Yu Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Mr Mike Lee has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry. Mr Ronnie Ng has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Under the Governing Committee of the HKFI, there are two Councils responsible for dealing with all technical matters concerning general insurance and life insurance respectively. The General Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Allan Yu while the Life Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Andy Robinson.
Established in August 1988, the HKFI enjoys full recognition by the Hong Kong SAR Government as the representative insurer body of the industry and is responsible for the administration of close to 75,000 registered insurance agents in the territory. It exists to promote insurance to the people of Hong Kong and build consumer confidence in the industry by promoting high standards of ethics and professionalism amongst its Members.

Mr Mike S C Lee
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) Chairman 2015/20165Mr Mike Lee is the Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of the HKFI’s Life Insurance Council (LIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was HKFI’s Deputy Chairman and a member of the HKFI Governing Committee. He served on HKFI’s various Task Forces, including the Independence of the Insurance Authority, Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database, Young Insurance Executive Development Programme and LIC's Renminbi Life Insurance Products and Sales Remuneration.
He has wide experience serving the insurance industry. He is a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. Mr Lee was also a member of Products Advisory Committee of Securities and Futures Commission, the Insurance Agents Registration Board and the Insurance Claims Complaints Panel.
Mr Lee is currently the Senior Vice President - Operations of MassMutual Asia Limited and has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry.
Mr Lee graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and subsequently received a Graduate Diploma in Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He also holds the Fellow of the Life Management Institute (FLMI) qualification.

Mr Ronnie W F Ng
HKFI Deputy Chairman 2015/2016Mr Ronnie Ng is the Deputy Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of HKFI’s General Insurance Council (GIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of the GIC and a member of the HKFI’s Governing Committee. He was a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework and the Independence of the Insurance Authority. He also served as Chairman of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation Terrorism, a member of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation and a Delegate of the Accident Insurance Association under GIC.
Mr Ng is currently the Chairman of the Board and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Employees' Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau (ECIRSB). He was the Deputy Chairman of ECIRSB for the term 2011/2012. He is also an Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau, a Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau, a Director of the Chinese Insurance Association of Hong Kong, a member of the OSH Star Enterprises-RMAA Safety Accreditation Scheme Steering Committee and a member of the Appointment Advisory Board of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
As the founder, Mr Ng has been the Chief Executive of China Overseas Insurance Limited since 2002, who is responsible for the overall management and development of the company. He has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Mr Ng holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and a Master Degree of Business Administration (General Management) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada (FIIC) and a Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF Snr Assoc). He also holds the Canadian Risk Management (CRM) and Fellow Risk Management (FRM) designations awarded by the Canadian Risk and Insurance Management Society (CRIMS).

Mr Allan K N Yu
General Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Allan Yu is the Chairman of the General Insurance Council (GIC) and a member the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of various Task Forces, including Independence of the Insurance Authority, Policyholders’ Protection Fund and Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and the GIC’s Task Force on Captive Insurance. He was also a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework, Greater China Affairs and Review of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. He was the HKFI Chairman for the term of 2010/2011.
Mr Yu has also actively participated in a number of industry bodies and other insurance associations. He is currently the Chairman of the Financial Services Resources Centre Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan). Mr Yu also serves as Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau and the Motor Insurers' Bureau of Hong Kong, as well as a member of the Bureau Board of the of Employees’ Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau and the Insurance Training Board under Vocational Training Council whilst serving as a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. He is also the Chairman of Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committee of the Education Bureau Qualifications Framework and a Committee Member of the New Business Committee of the Financial Services Development Council. Mr Yu was also the Chairman of Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Hong Kong for the term of 2004/2006 and Employees Compensation Insurer Solvency Bureau for the term of 2007/2009.
Mr Allan Yu is the Senior Consultant of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. He has over 40 years of experience in general insurance with exceptional management strength and expertise in underwriting, pricing, reinsurance, claim reserving models and product development.
Mr Yu qualifies as an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK. He earned a Diploma in the Young Manager Programme at INSEAD (The European Institute of Business Administration) in France.

Mr Andy Robinson
Life Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Andy Robinson is the Chairman of the Life Insurance Council (LIC) and a member of the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he served as Chairman of the ILAS Products Working Group and Deputy Chairman of the Professional Standards Working Group under the LIC. He was also a member of the HKFI’s Insurers-Brokers Liaison Committee, Task Force on Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and LIC’s Task Force on Sales Remuneration.
Mr Robinson has supported the Christina Noble Children’s foundation for many years, being a board member and supporting various event and activities for fund raising purposes.
Mr Robinson, the Chief Propositions Officer of Zurich Life Insurance (Hong Kong), is responsible for the proposition development and marketing activities. He relocated back to Hong Kong from Singapore in 2008 following his successful tenure as Principal Officer of the Zurich Insurance Life Singapore Branch. The branch was granted its license in November 2005; the first such license to be granted in 14 years, and the first in Singapore for an Isle of Man based insurer.
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Appoints 2015/2016 New Office Bearers
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) announces today (Thursday, 30 April 2015) the appointment of its Governing Committee for the term 2015/2016:
Chairman Mr Mike S C Lee MassMutual Asia Limited
Deputy Chairman Mr Ronnie W F Ng China Overseas Insurance Limited
Members Mr David Alexander Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd
Mr P L Chan China Taiping Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Ms Agnes H K Choi AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited
Mr Stuart Fraser Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Limited
Mr Jimmy W F Poon Dah Sing Insurance Company (1976) Limited
Mr Andy Robinson Zurich International Life Limited
Mr Lennard Yong MetLife Limited
Mr Allan K N Yu Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Mr Mike Lee has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry. Mr Ronnie Ng has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Under the Governing Committee of the HKFI, there are two Councils responsible for dealing with all technical matters concerning general insurance and life insurance respectively. The General Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Allan Yu while the Life Insurance Council is chaired by Mr Andy Robinson.
Established in August 1988, the HKFI enjoys full recognition by the Hong Kong SAR Government as the representative insurer body of the industry and is responsible for the administration of close to 75,000 registered insurance agents in the territory. It exists to promote insurance to the people of Hong Kong and build consumer confidence in the industry by promoting high standards of ethics and professionalism amongst its Members.

Mr Mike S C Lee
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) Chairman 2015/20165Mr Mike Lee is the Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of the HKFI’s Life Insurance Council (LIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was HKFI’s Deputy Chairman and a member of the HKFI Governing Committee. He served on HKFI’s various Task Forces, including the Independence of the Insurance Authority, Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database, Young Insurance Executive Development Programme and LIC's Renminbi Life Insurance Products and Sales Remuneration.
He has wide experience serving the insurance industry. He is a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. Mr Lee was also a member of Products Advisory Committee of Securities and Futures Commission, the Insurance Agents Registration Board and the Insurance Claims Complaints Panel.
Mr Lee is currently the Senior Vice President - Operations of MassMutual Asia Limited and has over 25 years of diversified management experiences in the life insurance industry.
Mr Lee graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and subsequently received a Graduate Diploma in Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He also holds the Fellow of the Life Management Institute (FLMI) qualification.

Mr Ronnie W F Ng
HKFI Deputy Chairman 2015/2016Mr Ronnie Ng is the Deputy Chairman of the HKFI and a Councillor of HKFI’s General Insurance Council (GIC). In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of the GIC and a member of the HKFI’s Governing Committee. He was a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework and the Independence of the Insurance Authority. He also served as Chairman of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation Terrorism, a member of the Task Force on Employees' Compensation and a Delegate of the Accident Insurance Association under GIC.
Mr Ng is currently the Chairman of the Board and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Employees' Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau (ECIRSB). He was the Deputy Chairman of ECIRSB for the term 2011/2012. He is also an Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau, a Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau, a Director of the Chinese Insurance Association of Hong Kong, a member of the OSH Star Enterprises-RMAA Safety Accreditation Scheme Steering Committee and a member of the Appointment Advisory Board of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
As the founder, Mr Ng has been the Chief Executive of China Overseas Insurance Limited since 2002, who is responsible for the overall management and development of the company. He has 28 years of experience in general insurance and reinsurance underwriting, brokering, business development and strategic planning in Hong Kong and overseas.
Mr Ng holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and a Master Degree of Business Administration (General Management) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada (FIIC) and a Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF Snr Assoc). He also holds the Canadian Risk Management (CRM) and Fellow Risk Management (FRM) designations awarded by the Canadian Risk and Insurance Management Society (CRIMS).

Mr Allan K N Yu
General Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Allan Yu is the Chairman of the General Insurance Council (GIC) and a member the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he was the Chairman of various Task Forces, including Independence of the Insurance Authority, Policyholders’ Protection Fund and Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and the GIC’s Task Force on Captive Insurance. He was also a member of Task Forces on Consultancy Study on Risk-based Capital Framework, Greater China Affairs and Review of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. He was the HKFI Chairman for the term of 2010/2011.
Mr Yu has also actively participated in a number of industry bodies and other insurance associations. He is currently the Chairman of the Financial Services Resources Centre Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan). Mr Yu also serves as Council Member of the Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau and the Motor Insurers' Bureau of Hong Kong, as well as a member of the Bureau Board of the of Employees’ Compensation Insurance Residual Scheme Bureau and the Insurance Training Board under Vocational Training Council whilst serving as a member of the General Committee and the Honorary Secretary of the Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau. He is also the Chairman of Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committee of the Education Bureau Qualifications Framework and a Committee Member of the New Business Committee of the Financial Services Development Council. Mr Yu was also the Chairman of Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Hong Kong for the term of 2004/2006 and Employees Compensation Insurer Solvency Bureau for the term of 2007/2009.
Mr Allan Yu is the Senior Consultant of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. He has over 40 years of experience in general insurance with exceptional management strength and expertise in underwriting, pricing, reinsurance, claim reserving models and product development.
Mr Yu qualifies as an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK. He earned a Diploma in the Young Manager Programme at INSEAD (The European Institute of Business Administration) in France.

Mr Andy Robinson
Life Insurance Council Chairman 2015/2016Mr Andy Robinson is the Chairman of the Life Insurance Council (LIC) and a member of the Governing Committee of HKFI. In the term of 2014/2015, he served as Chairman of the ILAS Products Working Group and Deputy Chairman of the Professional Standards Working Group under the LIC. He was also a member of the HKFI’s Insurers-Brokers Liaison Committee, Task Force on Prevention of Insurance Fraud & Claims Database and LIC’s Task Force on Sales Remuneration.
Mr Robinson has supported the Christina Noble Children’s foundation for many years, being a board member and supporting various event and activities for fund raising purposes.
Mr Robinson, the Chief Propositions Officer of Zurich Life Insurance (Hong Kong), is responsible for the proposition development and marketing activities. He relocated back to Hong Kong from Singapore in 2008 following his successful tenure as Principal Officer of the Zurich Insurance Life Singapore Branch. The branch was granted its license in November 2005; the first such license to be granted in 14 years, and the first in Singapore for an Isle of Man based insurer.