Forum on the 2021 Legislative Council General Election (Insurance Functional Constituency)
The 2021 Legislative Council General Election polling will take place on Sunday, 19 December 2021. The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers today (9 December 2021) organised an Election Forum for the candidates running for the Functional Constituency – Insurance election to meet industry representatives.
The two candidates, in accordance with their Candidate Number, IN1-Mr Chen Zhaonan and IN2-Mr Chan Kin-por, attended the Forum and presented their election platforms and views on various topics relating to the insurance industry. They also answered questions from their voters, HKFI Members and representatives of the insurance industry bodies.
Mr Chen Zhaonan (Candidate Number of Functional Constituency – Insurance election: IN1) attends the Election Forum organized by the HKFI.

Mr Chan Kin-por (Candidate Number of Functional Constituency – Insurance election: IN2) attends the Election Forum organized by the HKFI.