Welcome to the website of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI).
Striving to provide a raft of latest and useful insurance information, the HKFI website has been serving the insurance industry and the insuring community for more than a quarter of a century since first born in April 1997.
The HKFI website is an one-stop portal to insurance information. No matter you are a policyholder or currently considering an insurance plan, the HKFI website furnishes you with the suitable tips, including first hand information on consumer protection mechanisms, points to look out for when taking out policies.
If you are planning to enter the industry, you will find other useful materials here.
Don't miss this valuable chance to learn more insurance know-how from this digital guidebook. Act now!
Ivan Tam, MH

The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) was established on 8 August 1988 to advance and promote the development of the insurance business in Hong Kong. Following its conversion to a limited company on 29 December 1994, the HKFI became a consolidated and streamlined organization that enjoys full recognition by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the representative body of an increasingly important industry.
While maintaining a frequent dialogue with the Insurance Authority on legislative issues affecting the industry, the HKFI actively promotes best market practices with an aim of improving the professionalism of and strengthening public confidence in the insurance industry.
Mission Statement
The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers exists to promote insurance and help develop the industry for the benefit of the people and the economy of Hong Kong. To achieve this, we will:
1. Be a progressive voice of the industry and help build Hong Kong into a leading insurance hub in Asia Pacific.
2. Represent the common interests of its Members and proactively engage key regulators and stakeholders.
3. Encourage the adoption of best practices and the highest professional standards across the insurance sector.
4. Promote the proper protection of consumers to foster public trust and confidence in our industry.
5. Raise public awareness of the value and benefits of insurance.
6. Strengthen professional training across the industry and promote insurance as a career of choice.